Jeff Hilts
Jeff is the founder, CEO, and Chief Software Architect of AdmissionPros. Jeff graduated with honors from Western Carolina University with a degree in Computer Science. AdmissionPros believes our success depends on building productive and successful relationships with our clients.
In our article, How Recruitment CRM Software Helps Increase College Enrollment Numbers, we talked about how Generation Z students entering college...
Student recruitment is one of the most exciting components of college admissions. Interacting with hopeful young minds, getting them excited about...
Charter schools present a unique opportunity for children to receive an education tailored to their special interests or needs.
Students are the lifeblood of any college or university. Unfortunately, convincing them to come to your university isn’t always as easy as it seems.
Ever looked up from your desk, glanced around your college's admission department and thought … “Wow, we really need some help”?
Funding, prestige, location, faculty and academics all play into how prosperous an institution of higher learning is. More than anything else,...
If you are not using an Admissions CRM Software program or one that works well for you, you may be losing students to other colleges and universities!
In the last decade, many colleges and universities have increased their efforts in recruiting international students to their campuses.
In this day and age of waning enrollment, it’s more critical than ever for recruiters to make a good impression on students.
Too often, when different parts of the same machine act independently, the result is disjuncture and inefficiency. Such is the case with student...
In today’s changing academic world, many recruitment professionals find the task of filling their colleges and universities with worthy students is...
According to an article from College Transitions, Top College Admission Trends in 2018,“The overall number of college applicants is expected to...
College admissions is changing all the time. From women finally taking over Oxford’s historically male-dominated population, to top schools making...
Not using the right Admissions CRM Software may cost you more than just losing students to your competition!
Recruitment and admissions staff aren’t paid like university athletic coaches, but they should be. Competing with other colleges in today’s...
“25 percent of IT projects fail outright. Meanwhile, 20 to 25 percent don’t provide ROI and up to 50 percent require material rework,” according to
It is sometimes called, “The Lemming Effect,” where a group of people follow along unquestioningly with another group for no reason - other than the...